Call for Papers

You are invited to submit your contributions to the STC2024 Conference, the 23rd EFMI STC, 27-29 of November 2024: Collaboration across disciplines for the health of people, animals, and ecosystems

Starting 2001 EFMI organizes each year a Special Topic Conferences empowering the EFMI Working Groups. In 2024, EFMI WGs Healthcare Informatics for Interregional Cooperation (HIIC), One Digital Health (ODH), Education (EDU) and Evolution and Trends in Medical Informatics (ETMI) are inviting you in the beautiful city Timisoara, from the western part of Romania, for networking, sharing knowledge and find/present the new trends in Digital Health.

The program is covering a diverse range of topics related to the EFMI WGs activities: cooperation between medical institutions, challenges of the cooperation IT-medicine, the integration of medical information across domains, importance of updated methods in education, and latest trends in digital health. From these domains we have invited internationally distinguished keynote speakers.

We are using the online-registry system for handling your submissions, register with the online-registry system and submit your contributions:

The deadline for submitting full papers and posters is: 16 June 2024. Extended: 28 June 2024 (firm).

The deadline for proposing panels and workshops is: 30 June 2024. Extended: 12 July 2024 (firm).

All submissions go through a peer review process. All submissions must be in English and formatted according to the provided templates.

Full Papers:

Accepted full papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by IOS Press (SAGE) in SHTI series that are submitted (for evaluation) for indexing by MEDLINE/PubMed; Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) and Book Citation Index - Science (BKCI-S); Google Scholar; Scopus; EMCare. The Conference Proceedings will be OPEN Access. Instructions for authors are found at:, follow the Word template.

The Scientific Programme Committee will reject submissions that do not follow the IOS Press template or that exceed the specified page length.

Papers will have 10 minutes for oral presentation. 


Poster submissions typically present ongoing work and preliminary results. Posters will be published on Applied Medical Informatics (Appl Med Inform - AMI) and should be 3+1(authors' details) pages long following the AMI's template

The Scientific Programme Committee will reject submissions that do not follow the AMI template or that exceed the specified page length.

Posters will be presented as e-posters on dedicated screens without oral presentation (Detailed instructions for presentations will be posted at a later date).

Workshops and Panels:

Workshops are sessions where conference participants engage in discussion and activity concerning innovative topics. A panel is intended to focus on a specific topic on which a panel of experts gives their opinion and discusses it with the audience. After the conferences and the produced results, Workshop and Panels contributions will be invited to create a relative paper to be published on Applied Medical Informatics (Appl Med Inform - AMI) and should be 3+1(authors' details) pages long following the AMI's template.

The Scientific Programme Committee will reject submissions that do not follow the AMI template or that exceed the specified page length.

Workshop Presentation: 60 minutes (please check the conference program for your time). The workshop must allow at least 15 minutes for discussion or other interactive forms of collaborative working with the intended audience.

Panel Presentation: 60 or 90 minute session (please check the conference program for your time). A panel would typically require 3-4 members giving a brief presentation or making a position statement, followed by at least 15-20 minutes of discussion with an active role for the audience.

Registration of all presenters/panelists/moderators is mandatory.

Accepted Submissions require physical attendance and presentation in the conference of at least one of the Authors in order to be included in the Conference Proceedings and published. Any submission requires to have at least one author registered to the conference once accepted. Multiple submissions require one distinct registration per each accepted submission. Disrespect of this usual EFMI/MIE rule will lead to acceptance cancellation.

We are looking forward to your contributions and seeing you in Timisoara!

Best wishes,

Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar & Arriel Benis

STC 2024 SPC co-chairs

Any question for SPC: 

Any question for LOC: 

Conference topics will include (but will not be limited to):